USDA NRCS Biochar Funding Quick Guide
This is the companion Fact Sheet to the Code 336 Soil Carbon Amendment webinar series we held in January 2023. That series can be found here:…

Coupling Biochar with NRCS Practices to Enhance and Maximize Water Quality Benefits
Center for Watershed Protection Presentation

Biochar Improves Manure Management
Fact Sheet: Biochar Improves Manure ManagementBiochar in manure management is good for the animals. Good for the environment.

Feasibility Assessment of Dairy Biochar as a Value‐Added Potting Mix in Horticulture and Ornamental Gardening
This short paper from Cornell researchers summarizes costs and benefits of converting dairy manure to biochar.

The Potential for Biochar to Enhance Sustainability in the Dairy Industry
This 24-page white paper on biochar and the dairy industry is authored by the Ithaka Institute and Cornell University.

Fourth-Generation Dairy Family Powers the Future
The Scott family in 2012 proposed to build a state-of-the-art manure gasification system - based on the Fischer–Tropsch process from early 20th…

Effect of Wood Biochar Amendment to Sand on Leachate Water Quality with Repeated Dairy Manure Application: A Soil Column Study
This publication from the National Cooperative Extension explains results of a biochar filtration application. The effects of amending sand…

Field Application of Poultry Litter Biochar
Research on phosphorus fertilizer in corn at a UF/IFAS research site in Ci

Practice Guideline: How to Use Biochar in Barns
The Umpqua Biochar Education Team developed techniques for using biochar in animal barns for an NRCS Conservation…

Biochar and Livestock
Biochar has many uses, including in the production of livestock.