Building the Future from the Ground Up

Preterra BioCarbon Solutions provides innovative instruments to tackle two of the biggest challenges of our time: climate change and food security. We specialize in identifying proven Biochar technologies in Europe and introduce them to North-America. Located on Salt Spring Island, BC, in western Canada, we offer the toolbox to use an abundance of biomass to sequester carbon in soil and building materials, to improve wildfire resiliency and to support soil fertility. We deliver our solutions throughout Canada and North-America but we also take pride in being closely connected to local communities on the Gulf Islands and Vancouver Island.

Our main services include:

  • A mobile Biochar kiln producing superior quality. The kiln is large enough for meaningful throughput and small enough to be mobile and low investment cost. It doesn't require water, power or any other infrastructure
  • Solutions to create carbon optimized concrete and asphalt based on Biochar.
Scale of Operation
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Organisation Address

PO Box 598
Salt Spring Island BC V8K 2V9