Building the Future from the Ground Up
Joseph Kochanski
Speaker Title
Head of Operations, Americas

Policy and Financing
Oral Presentation
Biochar In The Spotlight: Carbon Credit Pricing Trends And Its Role In Attaining Net Zero
Joseph Kochanski, in partnership with Nasdaq created the world's first reference price indexes for engineered carbon removal credits, including an index for CO2 Removal Credits, CORCs, from Biochar. The index aims to enhance transparency and pricing information in the voluntary carbon market. It provides valuable insights for sustainability, ESG and climate finance stakeholders, promoting growth in the carbon removal industry. Since its launch in the spring of 2022, we have seen positive price development and increasing demand thanks to the rising interest towards biochar CORCs in carbon credit portfolios, as well as the dedicated efforts of marketplaces and sales channel partners who are assisting companies to get involved in the CDR market. The indexes may influence pricing in long-term offtake agreements and have the potential to facilitate the development of innovative financial products. In this talk, Joseph Kochanski, Head of Operations, Americas, of will shed light on the trends seen in the index and what it means for Biochar in the path to a net-zero economy.