Building the Future from the Ground Up
Bryan Eagle
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Biochar Applications in Water filtration

Glanris manufactures a patented, sustainable, low-cost water filtration media made from rice hulls, the world’s largest agricultural waste product. Over 220 billion pounds of rice hulls are generated every year. Today these hulls are either burned in the fields or dumped in landfills, neither of which are environmentally friendly. Our media can remove organic contaminants from the water like activated carbon does but can also remove metals as ion exchange resins do, but at a fraction of the price. Unlike ion exchange resin beads which are a microplastic, Glanris is a carbon-negative product that reduces greenhouses gases and sequesters carbon.

We will discuss the physical and chemical properties of rice hulls that make them unique in the biochar world for metals removal in water filtration, specifically the low temperature pyrolyzation and the high silica content.  We will discuss the industrial, municipal and residential water applications and the results that we have seen from customer applications.

Keywords: water filtrationlow temperature pyrolyzationrice husksion exchange

Bryan Eagle
Glanris, Memphis, United States
