USBI Biochar 2019
The largest event in North America dedicated to advancing the sustainable production and use of biochar through scientific and engineering research, policy development, field practice, and technology transfer. Attendees can expect to:
- Learn about ground breaking scientific research and technologies
- Discover the benefits that biochar can provide
- Hear from biochar experts about ways to restore and remediate our watersheds
- Connect with leading biochar businesses, producers and distributors

The Biochar & Bioenergy 2019 conference will focus on bridging scientific, industrial, practitioner, and policy gaps in biomass utilization for biochar and bioenergy production. Co-sponsored by U.S. Biochar Initiative and Bioenergy Alliance Network of the Rockies, the conference will take place June 30 - July 3 at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado. The meeting will draw attention to biochar and bioenergy science, technology, and sustainability issues at local-to-global scales, with conference tracks on:
- Forest health & biomass mapping
- Wood harvest & feedstock production systems
- Thermochemical conversion & biochar production technologies
- Biochar in agriculture, horticulture, and urban landscapes
- Biochar for environmental remediation & forestry
- Bio-carbon as feedstock for other bio-based products
- Biomass and biochar health & safety issues
- Sustainability, life cycle assessment, economic and policy analysis
Conference registration and abstract submission are now open! We are also soliciting proposals for Wednesday afternoon workshops, and offering industry sponsorships at a variety of levels. See our website for details and other conference information.
Register now and Submit your Abstract!
Hope to see you in Colorado this summer!
Jim Ippolito, John Field, and Amy Swan (conference co-chairs)
Biochar 2019
Conference: June 30-July 3, 2019
Core Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM daily
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Colorado USA
USBI Biochar 2018
The largest event in North America dedicated to advancing the sustainable production and use of biochar through scientific and engineering research, policy development, field practice, and technology transfer.
Biochar 2018 provided technical topics to accommodate a variety of professional interests, including:
- Agriculture, Forestry, and Soils
- Biomass Energy
- Urban Landscapes
- Water, Wastewater, and Biosolids
- Commercialization, Production, and Distribution
- Regulatory Policy
- Innovative Financing
- Watershed Resiliency and Adaptation
- Remediation and Restoration
Conference: August 20-23 2018
Chase Convention Center, Wilmington, Delaware
2016 North American Biochar Symposium
August 22-25, 2106, Corvallis OR.
From August 22-25, 2016, over 300 biochar producers, researchers, users, and enthusiasts met at Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon for the US Biochar Initiative 2016 Symposium: The Synergy of Science and Industry. See the event summary and review the presentations.
2013 North American Biochar Symposium
October 13-16, 2013
This symposium is designed for farmers, foresters, researchers, policy makers, biochar producers and entrepreneurs, and especially students and citizens who want to learn about biochar as an alternative to fossil fuel-based fertilizers/pesticides and energy.
Why should you attend this biochar symposium?
Here are just a few reasons (adapted in part from Albert Bates book, The Biochar Solution)
- Because you understand your dependence upon agriculture and want to better understand how biochar benefits soil by stimulating microbial activity, attracting fungi and distributing nutrients to the roots of plants, much as a coral reef supports the ocean. You'll also want to know how the micropores in biochar provides a "reservoir and conduit for soil moisture, soaking up water from over-saturated areas and giving it back to dry areas"
- Because you care about sustainable agriculture and want to learn from others addressing the complex challenges of preserving ecosystem services, enhancing soil fertility, increasing water absorption while decreasing the amount needed, employing human and animal labor, as well as sequestering carbon.
- Because you worry about the complicated and unsustainable use of fossil fuels and want to explore energy alternatives. You want to see solutions that successfully address a rigorous life cycle analysis with full disclosure and transparency.
- Because you want to know that there is a hopeful answer to the climate issues we are facing globally; and because you understand that community education and engagement is the most hopeful solution for individual and collective changes that can sustain and support life on this planet.
- AND, importantly, because you want to support the people researching biochar and operating businesses that are producing and distributing biochar so that all of the above can continue to develop and succeed.
“History is littered with the bones of civilizations that turned rich soils into deserts, cut down tall forests, and dried up or fouled their precious sources of fresh water. To prepare ourselves for the changes now coming quickly our way, we should not be following the examples of those who persisted in folly until they exhausted their wealth, but rather the examples of those who recognized in fertile soil and biodiversity the best means by which to weather hard times.”
2013 North American Biochar Symposium Website
2012 US Biochar Conference
July 29 - August 1, 2012
Hosted by Sonoma Biochar Initiative, Rohnert Park, CA
The 2012 US Biochar Conference is designed to advance our understanding of the economic, science and policy issues related to biochar as both an amendment for soils as well as an agent to sequester carbon. California’s reputation for progressive policy and venture capital resources provide an excellent setting to showcase new innovative technologies like biochar. The conference is focused on practical results, especially regarding biochar use in agriculture.
For more information on the 2012 conference please use the links listed below:
2011 BEF Camp at NESFI
The Biomass Energy Foundation (BEF, is launching around the world in 2011 its instructional five-day events called “BEF Camps”. Each BEF Camp is a structured learning experience, where the technical foundation, practical skills and fabrication methods of constructing biomass-fueled devices are taught and put into practice with hand-on efforts by the participants.To read the full announcement click here.
2011 14th Annual Humic Science & Technology Conference
March 9-11, 2011
Hosted by Northeastern University, Boston, MA
The HS&T conferences focus on the structures, properties and uses of humic substances from any source. To learn more about the conference or to register please visit
2011 242nd ACS National Meeting & Exposition
Aug. 28 - Sept. 1, 2011
Black carbon and biochar for soil fertility and carbon sequestration
Abstract Deadline: Closed
This session addresses pyrogenic carbon in soils and sediments. The presence of this material can have profound effects on the nature of soil, and may have an increasing role to play in carbon sequestration. Pyrogenic carbon or biochar has been recognized as an important constituent of highly fertile agricultural soils. The application of biochar to soil has been proposed as a long-term sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide in terrestrial ecosystems while providing improved soil fertility and increased crop production. Talks pertaining to all aspects of black carbon research are welcome and students are encouraged to submit abstracts. For more information please visit the ACS website
2010 U.S. Biochar Initiative Conference
June 27-30, 2010
Hosted by Iowa State University
Featured Speakers include: Johannes Lehmann (Cornell University), Julie Major (International Biochar Initiative) and Laurens Rademakers (Biochar Fund).
Recent advances in biochar science and technology will be showcased at Biochar 2010: U.S. Biochar Initiative Conference, hosted by Iowa State University on June 27-30, 2010. Join scientists, engineers, policy makers, policy analysts, producers and users to discuss these critical developments.
For Biochar 2010 Conference information, visit
To print the conference flyer click here.
Conference materials will be posted as they become available.
2010 ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings

More than 2,000 papers will be presented during the 2010 Annual Meetings of the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America, Oct. 31-Nov. 3 in Long Beach, CA. Dozens of papers on the topic of "Biochar Effects On the Environment and Agricultural Productivity" will be presented.
To learn more about the ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting, visit:
To view the abstracts for the biochar papers, visit:
2010 GSA Annual Meeting
October 31 - November 3, 2010
Denver, Colorado, USA
You are invited to submit an abstract (call for papers) for the 2010 GSA Annual Meeting, to be held October 31-November 3, 2010 in Denver, Colorado USA, for the T54 symposium: "Pyrogenic (black) carbon, or biochar, in soils and sediments, its characterization and fate, its effects on the carbon cycle and carbon sequestration, and its effects on soil properties."
Abstracts are due by August 10, 2010 click here for the formal announcement
For meeting information please visit
Additional contacts are Colleen E Rostad (303) 236-3971 and David W Rutherford (303) 236-3978 US Geological Survery, Denver, CO
2009 Northeast Biochar Symposium

November 13, 2009
University of Massachusetts Amherst, Campus Center Auditorium
Biochar is a carbon-rich soil amendment that enhances soil fertility, sequesters carbon to help reverse global warming, increases renewable energy production and creates jobs.
The Northeast Biochar Symposium 2009 highlighted current biochar research and technological advances and provided vital information to public officials, researchers, farmers and landscape professionals, green industry businesses and sustainable energy professionals. The symposium provided a forum for the exchange of research findings, helped to gain national media attention and stimulated discussion on biochar. It also established a Northeast Biochar Research Consortium. Keynote speakers included:
- David A. Laird, National Soil Tilth Laboratory, USDA Agricultural Research Service
- Dr. Johannes Lehmann, Crop and Soil Sciences, Cornell University, Chair, International Biochar Initiative and Co-editor, Biochar for Environmental Management
- Debbie Reed, Executive Director, International Biochar Initiative
- Dr. Christopher Steiner, Biological and Agricultural Engineering, University of Georgia
For more information or to view the presentations and materials go to:
2009 North American Biochar Conference

August 9-12
Hosted by the Center for Energy & Environmental Security at the University of Colorado Boulder
To view the presentations and materials go to:
Biochar Stove Building Workshop April 28th
There is a BioChar Stove Building Workshop on Saturday,April 28th from 10am to 2pm at S.E.L.F. - Seattle Earth Lost and Foundry / The Foundry MakerSpace 4710 Ballard Ave. NW, Seattle, WA. 98107 (Located at the former Viking Fire Foundry)
We invite you to participate by building either the Estufa Finca Five Gallon BioChar Farm Stoves pyroneered by Art Donnnelly at OR build an derivative design of the smaller Dome School Soup Can Emergency / Backpacking Stove. To learn more visit their Facebook events page or RSVP to
The University of Minnesota Extension's Fall 2011 Woody Biomass Webinar Series (Central Time Zone)
The University of Minnesota Extension will offer 7 web-based seminars, or "webinars", on woody biomass in fall 2011. The webinars are free but you must pre-register. All webinars are on Central Time. To learn more visit