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Biochar2024 Abstracts

Abstracts closed. Connect @


Abstracts and poster submission deadline: October 24, 2023

The US Biochar Initiative (USBI) will host Biochar 2024: The North American conference on Climate Action with Biochar for Economic and Ecosystem Resilience.  This in-person conference will be held in Sacramento, California, USA, on February 12-15, 2024.  

At Biochar 2024, USBI is looking to present diverse perspectives on applied research, best practices, and measures for scaling biochar.  

The conference will address emerging policies and strategies for scaling biochar to tackle climate change impacts, build resiliency, and generate economic opportunities. We seek to highlight applied research, real-world case studies, and action plans utilizing biochar to achieve these goals. You are welcome to present your latest products, technologies or developments.

Abstracts and posters on these and related topics are being solicited from practitioners, carbon crediting agencies, producers, consultants, researchers, governmental organizations and industry at the local, state, and national level.             


Climate and Carbon  
Potential of Biochar  
Policy & Finance 
Biochar Production   
Biochar End Uses 

Category descriptions available on the submission form.

Abstracts and poster submission deadline: October 24, 2023

USBI is utilizing the Meetinghand Abstract Management System for submissions.

It is important to note that it is the author's responsibility to submit a correct abstract. Any error in spelling, grammar or scientific fact will be reproduced as typed by the author. The submitted abstracts can be seen, modified or deleted anytime while the online abstract submission is open. We recommend that you review your submitted abstract at least once prior to the submission deadline, if possible. 

Once the abstract has been submitted, modified or deleted, the corresponding author will receive an email acknowledgement of receipt, modification or cancellation.

Important information for the author(s):             
Correspondence regarding the abstracts, such as confirmation of submission, notification of acceptance, or rejection, and instructions for presentation will only be sent to the corresponding author. It is their responsibility to share the information with all co-authors. The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission. Once accepted, the presenting author should be a registered participant of Biochar 2024. Registration is required to present. Speakers will receive a promotional discount code which will be applied to their registration fee.


  • The abstract submission should be made via abstract website only. 
  • Abstracts must be written in and presented in English.
  • Clearly state the purpose of the research, the principal results and major conclusions.
  • All accepted presentations will be published on the USBI website for digital distribution after the conference unless requested otherwise. 

Biochar2024 Meetinghand Abstract Submission page:

General event registration opening early October. Watch our website, newsletter, and social media for updates. 


Questions about abstracts and posters can be directed to             

[Sponsor and Exhibitor booth opportunities found here.]

[Link to 2022 Conference Program for reference.]



NRCS Code 336 Soil Carbon Amendment 

Here is a recent presentation by Candiss Williams, USDA NRCS National Soil Health Specialist on Code 336 as presented during her keynote at the 2024 North American Biochar Conference in Sacramento, California.

Check our 336 Funding Quick Guide fact sheet.


NRCS CPS 336 PDF - Document download.
Biochar Application Guideline - Fact Sheet - English
Biochar Application Guideline - Fact Sheet - Espanol.
Biochar Atlas - Biochar Calculator Tool - Soil Carbon Amendment Calculator

Connect with our Deep Dive into Code 336 Webinar Series    
Held January 18 & 19, 2023     
Videos available: 


This free two day series featured top experts that guided us on a deep dive into the NRCS funding process & how the newly developed Soil Carbon Amendment Conservation Practice Standard (Code 336 or 808) can be used to improve soil health and build soil carbon through the application of biochar and compost.    

This practice code pays for the purchase of biochar and for the installation. Amount of funding varies based on NRCS criteria which will be covered on Day 1. 

* Jan 18th - Day 1 - Programs & Implementation through NRCS    

Presented by top USDA Soil Health Division staff, you will learn how to navigate the NRCS financial assistance program to benefit your soil health goals.     

We cover how to start the paperwork process. Discuss the funding criteria.      

* Jan 19th - Day 2 - Technical Overview and Application Methodologies    

We will outline practical information to consider when sourcing, inoculating, and applying biochar. Methods to monitor soil nutrient interactions will also be discussed.    

This webinar series is intended for:    
- Ranchers, Farmers, Land Owners, & Producers    
- Certified Crop Advisors (CEU’s)    
- Nutrient Management Specialists    
- Agronomists & Ag Retailers    
- Soil & Water Conservation Districts    
- Biochar Mfgs & Distributors 

Please review the following documents related to the event:

USBI is a non-profit 501c3 dedicated to the advancement of the biochar industry in the Americas. Make your tax deductible donation today.    

Interested in sponsoring future programs like this? Contact    

Partial funding made possible by a grant from the US Forest Service.    

Event coordinator:    
  John Webster     
  US Biochar Initiative - Director of Communications         


States with 336 adoption for fiscal year 2025. Map updated 11/19/2024

NRCS Code 336 Map updated 12 31 2023
State adoption of Code 336 - 2024












Map image provided courtesy of Brandon Smith, Allied Soil Health.

Additional informational Fact Sheets about biochar application practices, understanding biochar lab reports, and more can be found at our Biochar Learning Center.

Image link below is for full size map.



PART ONE Introduction

  • Kelpie Wilson, Wilson Biochar Associates –
  • Carlos Rodriguez Franco, Senior Forester, USDA Forest Service Research and Development: Forest Service Programs that Support Biochar
  • Deborah Dumroese, USDA Forest Service Research Soil Scientist: Opportunities to Improve Forest Soil Health
  • Karen Youngblood, Forester, Redwood Forest Foundation, Inc.: Biochar in the Redwoods
  • Kai Hoffman-Krull, Forest Health Manager, San Juan Islands Conservation District: Biochar in the Woods with the Island Conservation Corps
  • Q & A

PART TWO Project Logistics and Economics

  • Laurie Schoonhoven, NRCS National Forester: NRCS Programs that Support Biochar
  • Ken Carloni, Yew Creek Land Alliance: NRCS Biochar CSP Implementation – a Landowner’s View
  •  Joe Pongratz, Pongratz Forestry: NRCS CSP Implementation – A Forestry Contractor’s View
  •  Don Morrison, Umpqua Biochar Education Team: Logistics of Biochar in the Woods – a Silviculturalist’s View
  • Mark Vander Meer, Principal Partner, Watershed Consulting, Inc.: Time and Motion Study Results Using an In-Woods Flame-Cap Kiln
  • Questions and Discussion

PART THREE Project Environmental and Social Impacts

  • Abby Colehour, Restoration Projects Manager, Long Tom Watershed Council: Ecological monitoring: biochar's impact on oak-prairie plant communitie
  • Gloria Flora, Executive Director, Sustainable Obtainable Solutions – Fire Ecology Restoration Project of the Permaculture Institute of North America: Developing Social Forestry as a Permaculture Practice
  • Dylan Maxwell, CEO, CarbonFace: How to Use the CarbonFace Platform to Build Biochar Communities
  •  Questions and Discussion

PART FOUR Technology Development

  • Ken Carloni, Yew Creek Land Alliance – Measuring Production Efficiencies and Applying Lessons Learned
  •  Darren McAvoy, Utah State University -- In-Woods Biochar Production Using Big Box Kilns
  • Raymond Baltar – Measuring Emissions from Conservation Burns and Flame Cap Kilns
  • Jim Archuleta – New Approaches to Landing Piles and Air Curtain Burners
  • Thankyous and Closing
  • Questions and Discussion