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Here's where you can learn from the many scientists and farmers trained in the science and application of biochar from arborists, landscapers, contractors, engineers, farmers, equipment developers, extension agents, and researchers. You'll find material for beginner, intermediate, and advanced learners. We welcome your ideas, experiences and help with developing strategies for biochar production, marketing, use, and education.
Featured Resources
Fact Sheet: Interpreting Biochar Lab Reports
Biochars differ greatly in their properties so laboratory analytical data provides a way to predict biochar's effectiveness.
Learn about:
• Biochar properties • Tests recommended for different applications
• How to collect samples. • Interpreting a test report
Educating students on the practical science and climate benefits to biochar.
Presentation: Biochar Production Technologies Overview 11 28 23
Learn about biochar production technologies as presented by Tom Miles, Executive Director, US Biochar Initiative. Click on the link above to download the slide deck PDF and watch the 30 minute presentation with Q&A session.
Presentation: Biochar in Green Stormwater Infrastructure MNBI 09 29 23
Myles Gray presents on the use of biochar in filtration and green stormwater management to the Minneapolis Biochar Initiative.
* Green Stormwater Management * Industrial filtration
* GSI biochar specifications * Improve plant health
* Pollutant removal * Cost considerations
Fact Sheet: USDA NRCS Biochar Funding for US Producers A Quick Guide
This is the companion Fact Sheet to the Code 336 Soil Carbon Amendment webinar series we held in January 2023. That series can be found here: https://youtube.com/@USBiocharInitiative
In this Fact Sheet we cover the following topics on how US Agricultural Producers can qualify for USDA NRCS funding to install biochar in their lands:
- Criteria to be elegible for using biochar on your land.
- How to begin the application process.
- Learn about Conservation Plans.
- Pro tips on best strategy for your application.
Fact Sheet: Beyond Application: Learning More About Biochar
This Part 2 companion to the Biochar Guidelines for Agriculture Applications document covers:
* Assistance applying biochar * Fertilizer / Liming value of biochars
* Biochar persistence in soils * Farmer's barriers to adoption
We also share 3 case studies on soil drainage, place based production, and increasing water use efficiency.
Fact Sheet: Biochar Crop Application Guidelines
Part 1 of a series, this paper shares practical insights for applying biochar to annual and perennial crops.
In this fact sheet we cover several application methods and provide case study examples.
Biochar is a sustainable soil amendment that; builds soil organic carbon and soil health, alleviates compaction, increases crop yields and soil moisture, reduces soil acidity, improves nutrient retention, sequesters carbon, and boosts microbial activity
Fact Sheet: Biochar Crop Application Guidelines - Spanish Version
Special thanks to the Instituto Latinoamericano del Biochar (ILBI) for translation support of this Fact Sheet into Spanish. Guía para el uso de Biochar en aplicaciones agrícolas (Parte 1)
We hope to translate more Fact Sheets to spanish and other languages to expand the reach and value of the documents.
Fact Sheet: Biochar Improves Manure Management
Biochar in manure management is good for the animals. Good for the environment.
Farm animal manure can be a useful amendment yet too much manure could be problematic. Biochar offers many benefits in manure management.
Fact Sheet: Biochar Carbon Markets
Companies and individuals are purchasing biochar carbon credits as part of their strategies to become carbon neutral. This relatively new interest in biochar carbon credits is driving new investments in biochar companies. Biochar accounts for over 40% of all carbon credits sold in 2022.
Fact Sheet: Biochar Stormwater Management
Filter Storm Water Pollutants with Biochar
Filter metals. Prevent the movement of bacteria into waterways.
Fact Sheet: Biochar improves compost. Saves money.
Biochar enhances the activity of microorganisms, which raises the temperature, reduces composting time and speeds up stabilization of the compost.
Fact Sheet: Compost operators will realize these benefits: • Accelerates compost process • Reduces nutrient losses • Reduces greenhouse gas emissions • Acts as a bulking agent • Increases microbial activity • Reduces odor
Fact Sheet: Biochar Increases Plant Survival
Fact Sheet: Read case studies in how biochar improved plant survival rates, boosted yields, and saved money. Sandy soils particularly benefited from biochar.
Paper: Simple Lab Method Determining Carbon Content Biochar
Biochar is most accurately characterized by the set of analytical methods that have been proposed by the International Biochar Initiative and the European Biochar Certificate. In this paper, we describe a methodology for simple biochar component analysis that was tested by students at Butte Community College in California.
The Minnesota Stormwater Manual
The Minnesota Stormwater Manual provides extensive information on stormwater applications for biochar. The manual addresses engineered media, contaminant hotspots, soil compaction, filtration and climate-related effects.
Dr. Brandon R. Smith: NRCS Conservation Practice 808 For Soil Health
Dr. Brandon R Smith, National Program Coordinator for the US Department of Agriculture's Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS) National Soil Health Division, discusses biochar in relation to current NRCS policy in this video presentation from the 2020 Biochar Week.
The Potential for Biochar to Enhance Sustainability in the Dairy Industry
This 24-page white paper on biochar and the dairy industry is authored by the Ithaka Institute and Cornell University. The paper covers biochar as a feed additive; biochar uses for manure management and wastewater treatment; biochar made from dairy residues; biochar and climate mitigation; and biochar economics. The paper also describes 5 biochar and dairy case studies, with conclusions and recommendations.
Washington State University Pyrolysis And Biochar Publications
Visit this page for an index to a number of high quality biochar research reports and publications by the WSU Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources (CSANR). Topics include: biochar production, carbon sequestration, compost, economic analysis, soil health and water filtration.
How to Make Biochar-Enhanced Compost
This video shows you how to make biochar-enhanced compost that can be used to improve soil conditions and yields for farmers everywhere.
A Field Guide to Biochar Water Treatment
This eBook describes a low-cost DIY drinking water treatment system using biochar to remove chemical pollutants. Synthesizing field experience with academic research, it's written in plain language that non-experts can appreciate and apply.
In the US, lawns are the largest agricultural crop at approximately 40 million acres and growing. These acres can act as green infrastructure when biochar is used to manage urban runoff and pollution.
Biochar has many uses, including in the production of livestock. The Nebraska Forest Service and University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) Department of Animal Science have teamed up on two projects to investigate those uses.
In this video, learn how Utah State University Forestry Extension is making big box biochar in the Intermountain West. By using low-value waste wood, they are reducing fuels on the landscape and improving forest health using a simple, low-tech flame cap kiln.
This 104-page publication from the Australian government is a comprehensive guideline to using biochar in various crop production systems. Based on field trials and case studies, it includes considerable background information about biochar and its interaction in soils. It also includes a large set of partial budget analyses of the costs and benefits of using biochar in crop production. Reading through these budget analyses will give users a good idea of how to construct budgets for using biochar in their own cropping systems.
Biochar Dairy Trial and Farm Health Benefits
This short video is another great Australian resource that takes you to a 250 Jersey Cow - herd on the Fleurieu Peninsula of South Australia for a look at how feeding cows biochar increases milk production and better pasture growth.
The Potential for Biochar to Enhance Sustainability the Dairy Industry is a state-of-knowledge report published by Ithaka Institute and Cornell University that summarizes peer-reviewed literature on the use of biochar in dairy operations. The report includes information about using biochar for bedding material, as a feed additive, a manure management strategy, and a means to address environmental issues related to dairy manure. A survey of existing demonstrations of biochar use on dairies is included.
The Biochar Atlas - an online, interactive tool from the USDA-ARS. The tool provides guidance to farmers, gardeners, and other end-users on the potential benefits of biochar, including decision support tools to select biochar types and amendment rates.
Green Roofs, Biochar, and You This publication covers the benefits of biochar in green roofs and outlines a project completed at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln.
Combined Heat and Biochar Technology Assessment for a Composting Operation
This USBI White Paper by Kelpie Wilson and Tom Miles compares several different technologies currently available from vendors that can provide heat energy and biochar for a hypothetical vermicompost operation.
The 3R Principles for Applying Biochar to Improve Soil Health
This open source paper proposes the 3R principles for applying biochar to soils: right biochar source, right application rate, and right placement in soil.
Primary purpose of this project was to see if we could combine two farm waste streams: woody debris and animal manure, in order to make valuable composts and organic fertilizers for use on the farm. We worked with eight farms and a large crew of volunteers and advisors to carry out multiple projects and experiments, making and using biochar, over the two-and-a-half year grant period. The project was developed and implemented by the Umpqua Biochar Education Team. UBET is a learning and sharing network of dedicated volunteers based in Douglas County, Oregon.
Please Take Our Learner Survey!
USBI has extended this popular survey so we can understand your learning needs better. Your feedback will help us design educational resources that more closely fit your needs.
Biochar for Livestock and Poultry
Biochar for Land and Water Remediation
Co-Production of Biochar and Energy
Biochar and Carbon Sequestration
Sustainability and Life Cycle Assessments
General Biochar Resources
The Biochar Journal. This resource is the home to a journal meant “to spark innovative research to find economically and environmentally responsible uses for biochar.” Articles range in content from the potential use of biochar in coffee production to the physical characteristics of biochar function in soils to creating biochar in cone kilns, and much more.
BioEnergy Lists: Biochar Mailing Lists. This biochar discussion list is a clearinghouse or contact point for events, and general information regarding biochar – from backyard production to agricultural use to heat production (for cooking or generation) and more.
International Biochar Initiative. A comprehensive website with excellent information from around the world, including a comprehensive bibliography of almost 3000 biochar articles and research papers.
Biochar: An Ancient Soil Amendment is New Again. A brief overview of biochar from Rodale Institute's Organic Life Magazine.
Biochar Research Down Under. The site describes a variety of biochar projects from Australia’s Primary Industries Science and Research agency.
Biochar Production
Biochar on the Farm. This short video demonstrates the experiences of a large-scale chicken farmer who makes biochar from chicken manure.
San Juan Biochar Project, 2010. The report describes a project to test a medium-scale biochar production research project completed under contract with the U.S. Forest Service. The report is a straightforward description of the volume, scope, and methods of the project and has good overview images of the double-barrel retort pyrolysis system.
Backyard Biochar. This blog has video and written content and has links to other educational resources. It is an excellent resource for small-scale biochar production. Kelpie Wilson has compiled educational materials and small-scale research reports on several kilns and methods for small-scale biochar production.
Biochar making for farm scale with the Moxham. This rough-cut video demonstrates the Moxham stove.
Everything Nice Stove Instructions. A useful 5-page guide to building a small top-lit updraft kiln.
Kon-Tiki Kiln. This site features a cool collection of images of kon-tikis in use all over the world.
Learning to Burn and Make Biochar, Not Smoke. Good article on burning slash piles to maximize biochar production and minimize smoke release.
The $365 retort kiln – pyrolysis. This quick clip offers a good, brief view of a horizontal-barrel retort system.
Biochar in Soil
Biochar Use in Soil. This article offers a good introductory explanation of biochar's effects on soil and soil life.
Biochar Use in Soil, Guidelines, and Instructions for Growers. This brief and fun article covers the 4 Ms of biochar use in soil: Moisten, Micronize, Mineralize, Microbe inoculations.
USDA National Soil Tilth Laboratory. This article is an excellent synopsis on the effects of biochar in soil and its relationship to the soil food web.
How Biochar Works in Soil. This article does a great job explaining the mechanics of biochar in soil – how it works and how different processes yield different chars that work differently in the soil.
Biochar in Compost
Biochar and the Biomass Recycling Industry. This is a non-technical analysis of biochar’s potential in the composting industry.
Biochar in Agriculture
Biochar – Agrichar – Terra Preta. This video offers a brief introduction to biochar and its potential contribution to agricultural production and long-term carbon sequestration.
A conversation with Dr. Fred Kirschenmann. A brief interview with Dr. Fred Kirschenmann, Distinguished Fellow at the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture and long-time farmer. In this interview, Dr. Kirschenmann makes the link between biochar, soil biology, and food taste and quality, based on his own farming experience and on extensive research.
Biochar Farms. This site is a good portal to biochar and its use in agriculture, with some informative web articles and several links to further resources – from videos to journal articles. Though it has an Australian focus it is applicable globally.
Biochar in Horticulture. This report gives a good general overview of biochar and its use in horticulture.
Biochar and Gardening
Biochar for Livestock & Poultry
The use of biochar in cattle farming. This article makes a case for biochar and EMI bacteria polycultures for many functions in cattle management.
Charcoaling Manure, Greening Neighborhoods in the Chesapeake Bay. A non-technical article about an interesting study and subsequent implementation of charring poultry manure, adding that biochar to soil, and reducing nutrient run-off. This protects the Chesapeake Bay and enhances fertility in yards and farms.
Biochar in poultry farming. This article is a good introduction to the advantages of using biochar in poultry farming, including prevention or reduction of disease common disease problems.
Biochar for Land and Water Remediation
Biochar and Remediation of Disturbed Lands and Water: a Review of the Effects of Biochar on Reducing Contaminant Concentrations in Disturbed Soils and Water. A good review of biochar's remediation and adsorption abilities in soils contaminated with organic and inorganic substances.
Biochar More Effective, Cheaper at Removing Phosphate from Water. Summary of research demonstrating biochar's utility in removing phosphates from water.
Paper mill biochar may help filter Port water. This article reports on a pilot project to use biochar to filter heavy metals from stormwater run-off in Port Townsend, Washington.
Co-Production of Biochar and Energy
Natural draft wood gas stove and biochar trial findings. This video gives a brief demonstration of boiling water with the energy released while making biochar. It also shows a brief vegetation trial.
Renewable carbon negative energy. This brief clip demonstrates a biochar kiln simultaneously boiling water and creating biochar.
Biochar and Carbon Sequestration
Biochar: Building Synergies Between Agriculture, Renewable Energy Production, & Carbon Sequestration. This article outlines the carbon sequestration potential of biochar as presented at COP 16.
Other Uses for Biochar
The 55 uses of biochar. This article lists the many non-agricultural uses for biochar.
Biochar Paper – elevating biochar from novelty to ubiquity. This article chronicles a paper-making project using biochar.
Biochar as an Acoustics Insulator. An overview of the sustainability of various forms of insulation including biochar.
Sustainability and Life Cycle Assessments
Declaration of Sustainability for Biochar Production. Draft of an ethical and environmental standard for all phases of biochar production.
Biochar Businesses
NFF recognizes biochar, biochemical business ideas. An article on the National Forest Foundation's program to meet forest restoration needs through business enterprise and their award to a biochar company.