Building the Future from the Ground Up

Prescribed burns are a recognized method for building healthy fire resilient forests.  In this March 2021 webinar, the Redwood Forest Foundation, Inc. (RFFI) and Sonoma Ecology center have taken it a step further. Karen Youngblood, Linwood Gill and Mark Welther (RFFI/URFC staff) describe the role that biochar-in-place project can play in building healthy, fire resilient forests. They are creating fuel breaks and converting the removed slash into biochar in the forest. Biochar will be placed in the forest soil to improve nutrient and water retention, while storing carbon. Learn about the process of converting forest slash into biochar and the benefits for the forest, soil and climate.

Guest speakers include:

 Raymond Baltar, Biochar Projects Manager in Sonoma, CA; a leader in the field of biomass conversion, biochar production, technology and research

● Kelpie Wilson, Wilson Biochar Associates in Oregon ; a mechanical engineer and analyst working in renewable energy, sustainable forestry and resource conservation; inventor and developer of a wide range of biochar technology including the kilns used in this demonstration

● Deborah S. Page-Dumroese, USFS soil scientist in Idaho; specialist in the environmental consequences of biomass utilization and biochar addition to the soil


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