Biochar Uses in Viticulture
Market Research and Insights for Grape Growers and Biochar Producers - A Report by Dovetail Partners with the International Biochar Initiative and the…
Combined Heat and Biochar (CHAB) Fact Sheet
Combined heat and biochar (CHAB) technologies are systems that optimize the combustion of wood residues.
“Let the Green, Save Green” Urban Soil Restoration: Helping Communities Meet Stormwater Management Requirements
In the US, lawns are the largest agricultural crop at approximately 40 million acres and growing. These acres can act as green infrastructure…
What is Biochar? How might it help in a vineyard?
What is Biochar?
Biochar Atlas
The Biochar Atlas is an online, interactive tool from the USDA-Agricultural Research Service.
Low-tech flame carbonizers for biochar production: Theory and Applications
Biochar is made by applying heat to biomass in the absence of oxygen.
Teaching Authentic Soil & Plant Science in Middle School Classrooms, a Biochar Case Study
Researchers designed two classroom experiments focused on the use of biochar as a soil amendment to improve soil health.
In Brazil's Central Amazonian Basin scientists have studied how these farm
Presentations from Biochar in the Woods Webinar and Field Days- Jan - Feb 2022
What: A combination of live, online and in-field presentations and demonstrations on making and using biochar on site in the forest and WUI…