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Broad Range of Searchable Biochar Information


Biochar and Pesticides

This short summary from the National Pesticide Information Center reviews the effects of biochar on pesticides in soil. Biochar can bind to…

Biochar Crop Application Guidelines Espanol

Biochar Guidelines for Agriculture Applications (Part 1) - SPANISH EDITION 

The 3R Principles for Applying Biochar to Improve Soil Health

Amending soil with biochar is a promising approach to persistently improve soil health and promote crop growth.

The Potential for Biochar to Enhance Sustainability in the Dairy Industry

This 24-page white paper on biochar and the dairy industry is authored by the Ithaka Institute and Cornell University.

Burn Igniting a New Carbon Drawdown Economy to End the Climate Crisis

Burn - Igniting a New Carbon Drawdown Economy to End the Climate Crisis by Albert Bates and Kathleen Draper

The Devil is in the Process: Co-composting Biochar Could Benefit Crop Growth and the Environment

Biochar has the potential to sequester carbon and improve the properties of soils when used as an agricultural amendment.

Great Plains Biochar Initiative

The Great Plains Biochar Initiative (GPBI) aims to improve biochar awareness and market development in the Great Plains. For questions about the…