What is Biochar? How might it help in a vineyard?
What is Biochar?
Smoke Into Biochar: Safe Burn Practices for Recovering Biochar for Use in Soil and Compost
The top-down pile burning technique is a cleaner burning fire that produces biochar. This guideline gives step-by-step instructions for making biochar…
Presentations from Biochar in the Woods Webinar and Field Days- Jan - Feb 2022
What: A combination of live, online and in-field presentations and demonstrations on making and using biochar on site in the forest and WUI…
Open Source Kiln Drawings: Oregon Kiln and Ring of Fire Kiln
The Umpqua Biochar Education Team developed flame cap kilns for an NRCS Conservation Innovation Grant.
Biochar, otherwise known as charcoal, is an age-old method of increasing soil health. Learn more about the science and how to make your own biochar…
Urban Bioenergy-Biochar: An Opportunity Assessment for Municipalities
The Urban Sustainability Directors Network in collaboration with the cities of Boulder, Helsinki, Minneapolis, and Stockholm engaged the Ithaka…
Practice Guideline: Plant Bioassays to Evaluate Biochar Compost
This guideline was developed by the Umpqua Biochar Education Team for an NRCS Conservation Innovation Grant.
Combined Heat and Biochar Technology Assessment - USBI Report
Combined heat and biochar (CHAB) technologies are systems that optimize the combustion of wood residues.