Building the Future from the Ground Up
Submitted by Carille on

Biomass Engineering & Equipment (BE&E) has a long history of successful biomass projects and helping clients avoid the frequent material handling mistakes that we see in biomass processing facilities. Our team does this by offering a high level of expertise in equipment and engineering and plant layout services. Specifically, we help biochar producers receive their feedstocks efficiently, store and reclaim the feedstocks into their process, and transfer biochar in bulk to bags or loadout.


Why be a Biochar 24 Gold Sponsor?

Being at a location with our target audience is key for making new contacts and touching base with those with whom we have ongoing projects. Positive feedback from our current clients is one of our best selling methods and introducing prospective clients to existing clients is one of our best tactics. 


How will you define sponsorship success?

We are currently involved in several biochar projects and want to educate producers about our equipment and capabilities in biochar so they can achieve the best long-term outcomes for their businesses and grow the industry. 


As interest in biochar moves from enthusiast to enterprise, how do you see your company's approach to the market evolving in the future?

The industry is growing quickly in terms of both product acceptance and scale. Five years ago, we weren't even discussing biochar projects. Now we have more than six. As companies scale to commercial-level facilities, they require new solutions to keep operational costs down — processes and equipment that worked on a small scale may not even be possible at a large one. Our solutions allow biochar producers to meet larger production benchmarks.


Joel Dulin, Contracted Marketing Manager