Building the Future from the Ground Up

Regional Groups

North American Chapters:

Pacific Northwest Biochar Atlas

The Pacific Northwest Biochar Atlas is a resource for biochar users and producers. .

To learn more visit

Biochar On Site (BOS) 

Biochar On Site network, formerly known as the Biochar in the Woods program, supports a global network of forestry professionals, ecologists, fire service professionals, land managers, property owners, and similar. BOS program holds monthly webinars and hosts an online forum to assist the conversion of stranded biomass from fuels reduction and thinning to biochar which can be used in forest management in applications like revegetation and stream restoration. We are all learning from each other as we develop best practices together. Join the conversation! Join our monthly video meetings the first Wednesday of each month at noon Pacific. The link for the meeting is published on the Biochar On Site forum.

To learn more please visit 

California Biochar Association (CBA)

The California Biochar Association was founded by a coalition of people and organizations seeking to build a strong and cohesive statewide voice advocating for the production and use of biochar in agriculture and industry, along with the development of rigorous standards and protocols to govern biochar quality and effectiveness.

To learn more please visit 

Sonoma Biochar Initiative (SBI)

The Sonoma Biochar Initiative's mission is:

  • Promote biochar production and application as the "fast mitigation technology" cited in international climate talks.
  • Engage stakeholders in the advantages of biochar as a tool for climate policy and agricultural benefit.
  • Promote policy at all levels of government to foster early adoption of biochar production and application through appropriate carbon valuation and funding laws as well as technology and offset protocols.
  • Acquire funding, define and address regulatory hurdles to develop a Sonoma Valley Biochar Demonstration Project to show viability for biochar production; carbon sequestration; agricultural soil amendment; energy cogeneration; other related processes to "close the loop".

To learn more visit them at

Great Plains Biochar Initiative (GPBI)

The Great Plains Biochar Initiative (GPBI) aims to improve biochar awareness and market development in the Great Plains.

To learn more visit them at

Illinois Biochar Group

The Illinois Biochar Group encourages research in the production and use of biochar and works to inform and educate others about biochar.

To learn more visit them at at   

Minnesota Biochar Initaitive (MNBI)

James "Jim" Doten runs the MNBI in conjunction with the City of Minneapolis biochar program. More information pending. Watch USBI social media channels for updates on the MNBI monthly CharTalk webinar series. Connect on their MNBI Linkedin Page

Eastern Biochar 

Collaboration and development of biochar production from wood and agricultural residues including poultry litter for use in agriculture and mine remediation. Hosted by the National Center for Resource Development, Moorefield, West Virginia.   

To learn more visit them on Facebook at Eastern Biochar 

El Instituto Latinoamericano del Biochar (ILDB)

The Latin American Biochar Institute is the organization that seeks:

  • Identify the needs of the biochar market in Mexico and Latin America

  • Develop a promotion and dissemination strategy for the activities and projects that ILBI carries out

  • Be recognized as the most important Institute in Latin America that researches, promotes and encourages the use of biochar as a form of climate change mitigation.  


Biochar Ontario

Biochar Ontario aspires to be the lead promoter and facilitator for all aspects of research, application and dissemination of information relating to biochar.

Mission: The mission of Biochar Ontario is to promote biochar as a vehicle to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve soil fertility, and enhance food security by advocating research, development, and commercialization of biochar.

Biochar Ontario is a not-for-profit organization comprised of business, environmental and research professionals who aim to promote biochar as a vehicle for reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), improving soil fertility and enhancing food security. They advocate for the research, development and commercialization of biochar in Ontario.

As an affiliate of the Canadian Biochar Initiative (CBI) they are connected to an international network of scientific researchers and climate change experts who link them with the latest research data regarding biochar's performance in soils and as a viable method of carbon sequestration.

Biochar Ontario aspires to be the lead promoter and facilitator of biochar in Ontario. They compile information about biochar, including international research, safety standards, production guides, and carbon credits, and make this information readily available to the public, farmers, government officials and Canadian researchers. They strive to educate Ontarians through presentations, articles, papers, exhibits, workshops, events and any other forms of communication open to them.

Biochar Ontario is a professional organization with a collaborative, forward-thinking approach. They welcome partnerships with regulatory bodies, corporations, universities, farmer cooperatives and public institutions.

"Through collaboration and solutions based leadership, we are working towards innovating Ontario."

You can learn more at