Building the Future from the Ground Up

Biochar's physical and chemical properties control its effectiveness in different applications. Properties are determined by: 
* Feedstock 
* Production conditions 
* Pre- or post- processing 

Biochars differ greatly in their properties so laboratory analytical data provides a way to predict biochar's effectiveness. 

Biochars are variable in their physical and chemical properties. These properties are generally determined by feedstock type and production temperature. For example, biochar feedstocks vary in their particle size (increasing along the top arrow), while feedstock and temperature can influence ash content (increasing with bottom arrow). Biochar properties influence how biochar interacts with soil or other media, which influences performance. A lab report assesses these properties. A sample report is shown inside this document. 

We look forward to hearing about your experience in the process.  

Other useful Fact Sheets include: 

Guidelines for Crop Applications: 
Guildeline for Crop Applications (Espanol):  
Guide for NRCS Biochar Funding: 
Plant Survival: 
Compost benefits: 
Manure management: 
Stormwater management: 
Carbon Markets:  

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