Building the Future from the Ground Up
Chris Tindal
Speaker Title
Assistant Director
Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuels Initiative (CAAFI)
Presentation file

Overall industry summary on SAF

SAF are key for meeting industry’s commitments on carbon reductions
-  Aviation enterprise aligned, representing a 26B gpy US & 97B gpy worldwide opportunity
-  Jet fuel demand expected to increase for foreseeable future ... 3 - 5% per year (following COVID rebound)
-  SAF delivers net GHG reductions of 65-100+%, other environmental services
-  Segment knows how to make it; Activities from FRL 1 to 9, with many in “pipeline”
-  CAAFI and others are working to foster, catalyze, enable, facilitate, ...
-  First 6 facilities on-line (5 from lipids), increasing run-rates, multiple offtakers
- Commercial agreements being pursued, fostered by policy and other unique approaches
- Pathways identified for fully synthetic SAF (50% max blend today), enhancing SAF value proposition
by enabling deeper net-carbon reductions
- Additional work needed on “appropriate conversion process for targeted feedstocks” enabling
