Building the Future from the Ground Up
Domonique Leukenhoff
Speaker Title
Senior Vice-President Corporate Affairs, EHS & Sustainability

Climate-Smart Resilient Green Corridors Optimize Distributed Green Infrastructure

March 21, 2023
Climate-Smart Resilient Green Corridors (CSRGC) are nature-based and use identified impacts and opportunities to achieve net zero climate and environmental outcomes.


Climate change both impacts and is affected by the ways we live, work and play. Corridors - built and natural - are passageways and linkages that not only facilitate activities in our daily lives but provide both scale and impact with regards to the viability of both built and natural systems. Corridors encompass and connect landscapes, geographies, jurisdictions, and the constituents they represent for specific purposes. Corridors facilitate market-driven value chains for consumers, industries, and communities. They also provide an ecological framework for scaled systems approaches, thus implicated in environmental policies, practices and technologies to reduce pollution impacts within certain geographic regions, such as that of state implementation plans (SIPs) for meeting ambient air quality standards or total maximum daily loads (TMDL) for meeting water quality standards in specific waterways, thus underscoring the diverse nature and dynamics of corridors.

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