Building the Future from the Ground Up

Thanks to USBI, Biochar Is a US Forest Service Wood Innovation Success Story

The US Biochar Initiative and the Forest Service have been working together to spread the word about biochar since 2017. Support from and collaboration with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service has helped in education, technical assistance, market development, and product development for biochar. USBI is a not-for-profit organization. “Forest Service support has been key to the growth of our sector," says USBI Executive Director Tom Miles. "I see us transitioning from a sector full of committed enthusiasts to a mature, viable industry.”  USBI's collaboration with the Forest Service has produced a series of biochar webinars that bring the sector together and build new relationships. 

This fact sheet from the USFS outlines the many ways that biochar helps to build a sustainable future. 

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