Building the Future from the Ground Up
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Here is the complete schedule for Biochar in the Woods Webinar and Field Events, Jan 27 - Feb 3

USBI Biochar in the Woods Workshop

Learn how to use biochar for forest resilience and carbon sequestration

Jan-Feb 2022

Online Symposium - January 27

Field Days – February 1-3

What A combination of live, online and in-field presentations and demonstrations on making and using biochar on site in the forest and WUI (Wildland Urban Interface). 

Why Given the ongoing drought and dangerous wildfire conditions in California and throughout the west, we see an urgent need to train more people on clean techniques to convert problem forest vegetation into biochar onsite for climate and ecological benefits.  Biochar helps mitigate wildfire threat by increasing forest soil water-holding capacity and resilience. 

Trainers Kelpie Wilson of Wilson Biochar Associates will lead the training in biochar kiln operations and conservation burn techniques. Deborah Page-Dumroese, US Forest Service Research Soil Scientist, will lead biochar forestry applications training. We will also hear from many others who are developing and using these methods in forest settings around the US. 

Who Should Attend Forestry contractors, arborists, workforce supervisors, forest landowners, homeowners in the WUI, and staff from environmental NGOs and natural resource agencies who may be supervising forestry workers, or developing biochar forestry projects and programs.

Partners US Biochar Initiative, US Forest Service, Butte Community College, Butte Fire Safe Council, CSU Chico’s Big Chico Creek Ecological Reserve, and Applied Biomass Technicians



Register here: for both the Online Symposium on January 27 and the field events on Feb 1-3 in Butte County, California.

  • Online Symposium Cost - $50 – Register and pay online
  • Field Days in Butte County – FREE – Register online to reserve your place

Workshop Schedule Overview

  • January 27: A full-day online symposium 
  • February 1-3: Presentations and Field Demonstrations in Butte County, CA (about three hours northeast of San Francisco)
    • February 1: Morning presentations on Butte County biochar projects with afternoon field trip to Big Chico Creek Ecological Reserve – Chico, CA
    • February 2: Biochar field day and kiln demonstration – near Paradise, CA
    • February 3: Biochar field day and kiln demonstration – near Paradise, CA

Biochar in the Woods Online Webinar Detailed Schedule for Thursday, January 27, 2022

Morning Session: 9am to noon -- All times are Pacific Standard Time

9 am – Introduction: Carille Ribley, USBI Communications and Tom Miles, USBI Executive Director

9:10 – Kelpie Wilson, Wilson Biochar Associates: Overview of Biochar in the Woods

9:50 – Carlos Rodriguez Franco, Senior Forester, USDA Forest Service Research and Development: Forest Service Programs that Support Biochar

10:00 -- Deborah Dumroese, USDA Forest Service Research Soil Scientist: Opportunities to Improve Forest Soil Health

10:45 – Questions and Discussion

11:00 – Karen Youngblood, Forest Conservation Specialist, Redwood Forest Foundation, Inc.: Biochar in the Redwoods

11:20 – Kai Hoffman-Krull, Forest Health Manager, San Juan Islands Conservation District: Biochar in the Woods with the Island Conservation Corps

11:40 – Questions and Discussion

Noon – Break

Project Logistics and Economics: 12:45pm – 2pm

12:45 Laurie Schoonhoven, NRCS National Forester: NRCS Programs that Support Biochar

1:00 Ken Carloni, Yew Creek Land Alliance: NRCS Biochar CSP Implementation – a Landowner’s View

1:15 Joe Pongratz, Pongratz Forestry and Dan Hanson, Nighswander Resources, LLC: NRCS CSP Implementation – A Forestry Contractor’s View

1:30 Mark Vander Meer, Principal Partner, Watershed Consulting, Inc.: Time and Motion Study Results Using an In-Woods Flame-Cap Kiln

1:45 Questions and Discussion

Project Environmental and Social Impacts: 2pm – 3pm

2:00 Abby Colehour, Restoration Projects Manager, Long Tom Watershed Council: Ecological monitoring: biochar's impact on oak-prairie plant communities

2:15 Gloria Flora, Executive Director, Sustainable Obtainable Solutions – Fire Ecology Restoration Project of the Permaculture Institute of North America: Developing Social Forestry as a Permaculture Practice

2:30 Dylan Maxwell, CEO, CarbonFace: How to Use the CarbonFace Platform to Build Biochar Communities

2:45 Questions and Discussion

Technology Development

3:00 Ken Carloni, Yew Creek Land Alliance – Measuring Production Efficiencies and Applying Lessons Learned

3:15 Darren McAvoy, Utah State University -- In-Woods Biochar Production Using Big Box Kilns

3:30 Raymond Baltar – Measuring Emissions from Conservation Burns and Flame Cap Kilns

3:45 Jim Archuleta – New Approaches to Landing Piles and Air Curtain Burners

4:00 – Thankyous and Closing

4:15-5:00 – Shop Talk! Stick around and continue the discussion if you like.


Biochar in Place in Butte County - Detailed Schedule for Tuesday, February 1

Morning Session: Presentations at Butte Community College Chico Center, Chico, CA

9:00 Steve Feher, Sustainable Community Development Institute (SCDI) and Butte College Faculty – Welcome and Summary of Biochar Development in Butte County

9:45 Wolfy Rougle, Forest Health Watershed Coordinator, Butte County Resource Conservation District: Ecological Restoration - Landscape Level Planning for Ecological Resilience in Butte County

10:15 Break

10:30 Kelpie Wilson, Wilson Biochar Associates: Overview of Biochar in the Woods

11:15 Questions

11:30 Deborah Dumroese, USFS Research Soil Scientist: Opportunities to Improve Forest Soil Health

12:15 – Break for lunch and travel to Big Chico Creek Ecological Reserve

Afternoon Session:

1:30 – 3:30 Afternoon Field Trip: Big Chico Creek Ecological Reserve

Paul Maslin, Professor Emeritus, Biology, CSU Chico – Biochar from Burn Piles for Ecological Benefit – hands-on participation in demonstration of the techniques


Biochar in Place in Butte County Detailed Schedule for Wednesday, February 2

February 2: Biochar field day and kiln demonstration

9:00 am – 3 pm: Kelpie Wilson, Steve Feher, Butte Fire Safe Council

  • Set up kilns and burn piles to demonstrate different techniques for making biochar in place
  • Walk the site and discuss site-specific applications for biochar

Biochar in Place in Butte County Detailed Schedule for Thursday, February 3

February 3: Biochar field day and kiln demonstration

9:00 am – 3 pm: Kelpie Wilson, Steve Feher, Butte Fire Safe Council

  • Set up kilns and burn piles to demonstrate different techniques for making biochar in place
  • Walk the site and discuss site-specific applications for biochar