Building the Future from the Ground Up
Charles Hegberg
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Vice President
Ecotone, Inc.
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Using biochar to achieve the Chesapeake Bay water quality goals & climate resiliency (Panel Discussion)

This year has been a great year for biochar globally as a carbon negative technology that brings many amazing benefits and uses.  In the Chesapeake Bay region, after many years of research beginning in 2009 along with pilot and demonstration projects, and educating and advocating the benefits of biochar, there are signs of a growth in positive support.  Over the last year a team of biochar researchers and professionals have received two significant grant opportunities that will benefit the Chesapeake Bay and beyond including the:

STAC Workshop - Using Carbon to Achieve Chesapeake Bay (and Watershed) Water Quality Goals and Climate Resiliency (Spring 2023)

NFWF INSR Grant - Scaling Up Biochar Applications for Accelerated Stormwater Runoff Ruduction and Resiliency in the Chesapeake Bay

The objectives of the two grants which intertwine with each other is to:
* conduct a workshop with leading experts to elevate the use of biochar in practice Bay-wide by evaluating and translating current research for integration into current Chesapeake Bay protocols,
* greatly advance the empirical evidence supporting biochar to develop protocols, standards, specifications, and crediting with are lacking in the Bay region,
* accelerate the rate and scale at which biochar amendments are applied to support runoff reduction and improved water quality across the watershed,
* development of education and outreach around the benefits of biochar,
* provide technical assistance to implementation partners on sourcing and using certified biochar in a variety of urban applications; and
* verifying project benefits.

The objective of this round table discussion is to network with others working in the region, gather ideas, thoughts, experience, current research activities, planned or existing project installations, informational gaps, regulatory challenges/support, and project roadblocks.  

Keywords: Chesapeake Baywater qualityclimate resiliencybiochar

Charles Hegberg
Ecotone, Inc., Hanover, United States
