Building the Future from the Ground Up
Paul Sturm
Speaker Title
Executive Director
Ridge to Reefs, Inc
Presentation file

Biochar Use in Nature Based Wastewater Applications

Biochar is a key element of nature based pollution removal systems and helps achieve high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus removal. Ridge to Reefs has spent the last few years developing restoration solutions for agricultural runoff and wastewater applications at various scales. These solutions include Bioreactor Gardens for wastewater treatment at the individual home to a tertiary polishing scale for wastewater plants as well as denitrification bioreactors and curtains. Sampling results and design considerations will be discussed as well as the co-benefits of carbon sequestration, reuse of waste materials and effectiveness of pollution removal. The Bioreactor Garden was recently tested together with University of Hawaii and achieved 87% nitrogen and 83% phosphorus removal and met NSF level for NSF 40 and NSF 245 (water quality and nitrogen removal respectively).

Keywords: BiocharNature BasedGreen InfrastructureBioreactorCarbon sequestration

Paul Sturm, Ridge to Reefs, Sykesville, United States
Phal Mantha, Ridge to Reefs, Okemos, United States

