Building the Future from the Ground Up
Maude Graham Sauvé
Speaker Title
Chargée de projets

Review of R&D activities at TAC-Biochar (Quebec, Canada)

In the desire to enhance forest and agricultural residues largely available in Lac-Saint-Jean region, Quebec, Agrinova, a college center for transfer of technology (CCTT) affiliated with Collège Alma, have established in 2016 with its partner BioChar Boréalis a technological showcase located in the Mashteuiatsh Innu community. Agrinova hold since 2020 a Canadian Technology Access Center (TAC) to operate the showcase dedicated to support the research and innovation capacity of the biochar production chain. We have at our disposal both a small scale and a large scale pyrolizers from ETIA Biogreen technology, allowing various pyrolysis parameters, coupled with a complete scientific laboratory. Our expertise enables us to strengthen value chain links, realise knowledge acquisition, product development, and demonstration, build business cases, train highly qualified personnel and allow business incubation. Focusing on market diversification and development of uses for a large variety of biochars and pyrolysis co-products, our work mainly involve agronomic applications, livestock nutrition, soil remediation, carbon sequestration, forest and horticultural nursery, crop protection and plant bio-stimulants. Over the past few years, TAC-Biochar welcomed more than 100 companies through workshops, open houses, group, and individual visits. Nearly 60 applied research projects have been developed, 40 are now completed or in progress, reaching some 50 companies and organizations. In addition, TAC-Biochar integrates college and university students to experiment with pyrolysis and to train in the dedicated laboratory. We are now in the process of hosting incubated companies for the pre-commercial development of products.

Keywords: research and innovationbiochar production chainTechnology Access CenterBiochar technological showcaseforest and agricultural biomassesLac-Saint-Jean, Québecapplied research projects

Maude Graham Sauvé
Marianne Lapointe
Régis Pilote
Agrinova, Alma, Canada
