Building the Future from the Ground Up
Shaun Scallan
Speaker Title
Sustainability Plus Projects
Presentation file

Taxonomy & Market Development

The Biochar Industry getting ready for prime time but there are some barriers to Industry development. One of the main ones is an understanding of the range and depth of potential applications in a systematic way. This understanding allows for business focus and investment to be unlocked.

Currently there is a bit of a dearth of good biochar product in market data. There is much focus on the derivative side with carbon credits. This is seen as a way to fund biochar projects while product development “catches up” as it were. This is a distraction from product development in physical applications. 

A taxonomy is key to framing an approach to markets. This paper will present a working taxonomy for biochar products. It will discuss the good and bad of taxonomies and suggest an approach to determine volume, value and readiness with some examples of how to get data that does not exist conveniently to asses these dimensions. 

Keywords: #biochar#commercialisation#products#taxonomy
