Building the Future from the Ground Up
Somayeh Nassiri
Speaker Title
Associate Professor
UC Davis

Biochar in Concrete Applications: Challenges and Opportunities

Somayeh Nassiri

Principal Investigator:
Dr. Somayeh Nassiri, Associate Professor, UC Davis

Souvik Roy, PhD Candidate, UC Davis
Dr. Vikram Yadama, Professor
Dr. Manuel Garcia Perez, Professor
Mohammad Mezbah Ul Hoque, PhD Student

Using biochar in cement to reduce carbon accounting.

Global Cement Demand
• Main challenge facing the cement industry is to reduce CO 2 emissions while meeting global demand

CO 2 Emissions from Cement Production-Global
• Concrete responsible for 8% of global anthropogenic CO2 emissions

Conclusions and Look Ahead
Copyright© Somayeh Nassiri, UC Davis 17
• Carbon capture, use and storage needed to meet the 2045 neutrality goal in the cement sector
• Biochar replacements up to certain amounts acceptable impact on strength
• Durability and compatibility with chemical admixtures need to be assessed
• Implementation easier for certain applications
