Can Biochar Reduce Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Toxin?
Some construction and demolition (C&D) fines that contain gypsum emit H2S toxin.

Urban Bioenergy-Biochar: An Opportunity Assessment for Municipalities
The Urban Sustainability Directors Network in collaboration with the cities of Boulder, Helsinki, Minneapolis, and Stockholm engaged the Ithaka…

Dwelling on Drawdown – Part I
Follow Kathleen Draper's biochar home building project to learn more about how she has stashed carbon in every nook and cranny of her new home!

Dwelling on Drawdown – Draining the Swamp
Follow Kathleen Draper's biochar home building project to learn more about how she has stashed carbon in every nook and cranny of her new home!

Dwelling on Drawdown - Part III - Carbon Walls
Converting walls to carbon caches could be compelling when you consider just how much wall space there is in the average US home.

Scaling Biochar Forum October 13&14, 2020
This Webinar series organized by the Sonoma Biochar Initiative and the California Biochar Association took place over two mornings on October 13 and…