Urban Bioenergy-Biochar: An Opportunity Assessment for Municipalities
The Urban Sustainability Directors Network in collaboration with the cities of Boulder, Helsinki, Minneapolis, and Stockholm engaged the Ithaka…

Fourth-Generation Dairy Family Powers the Future
The Scott family in 2012 proposed to build a state-of-the-art manure gasification system - based on the Fischer–Tropsch process from early 20th…

Washington State University Pyrolysis and Biochar Publications
Visit this page for an index to a number of high quality biochar research reports and publications by the WSU Center for Sustaining Agriculture and…

Biochar and Farm Energy Information at extension.org
CenUSA is evaluating biochar impacts on farm and garden crops production.

Combined Heat and Biochar Technology Assessment - Webinar
This webinar presents results from a USBI assessment comparing technology options for adding Combine
Combined Heat and Biochar Technology Assessment - USBI Report
Combined heat and biochar (CHAB) technologies are systems that optimize the combustion of wood residues.