Building the Future from the Ground Up

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Broad Range of Searchable Biochar Information


Carbon Farming - A Climate Solution Under Our Feet

In this 48-minute film from NHK World Japan, learn how carbon farmers Gabe Brown in the US, Toshimichi Yoshida in Japan, and others are taking action…


In Brazil's Central Amazonian Basin scientists have studied how these farm

“Let the Green, Save Green” Urban Soil Restoration: Helping Communities Meet Stormwater Management Requirements

In the US, lawns are the largest agricultural crop at approximately 40 million acres and growing. These acres can act as green infrastructure…

Can Biochar Reduce Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Toxin?

Some construction and demolition (C&D) fines that contain gypsum emit H2S toxin.

Combined Heat and Biochar Technology Assessment - Webinar

This webinar presents results from a USBI assessment comparing technology options for adding Combine

Smoke Into Biochar: Safe Burn Practices for Recovering Biochar for Use in Soil and Compost

The top-down pile burning technique is a cleaner burning fire that produces biochar. This guideline gives step-by-step instructions for making biochar…

Interpreting Biochar Lab Reports

Biochar's physical and chemical properties control its effectiveness in different applications. Properties are determined by: * Feedstock *…

Biochar can sequester carbon in soil – so why aren’t farmers using it?

One of the most effective and long-lasting ways farmers can move carbon from the atmosphere into the soil is to use biochar. But if it is so…

Soil Carbon Sink

Learn how Biochar Garden Genius, David Yarrow, builds rich garden beds on poor, compacted soils using biochar, minerals and microbes.