Building the Future from the Ground Up
Submitted by Carille on
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Key Presentations

The "PFAS Contamination and Remediation" presentation outlined a number of studies showing biochar to be an effective PFAS remediation tool.

The "Dairy Manure Co-composting with Wood Biochar Plays a Critical Role in Meeting Global Methane Goals" featured two papers authored by Brendan Harrison, a UC Merced graduate student in the Ryals Lab who presented to an impressively packed room. The first paper was about how biochar co-compost improves nitrogen retention and reduces carbon emissions in a winter wheat cropping system; the second was about a methane measuring project co-composted 20% by volume biochar in dairy manure to realize a 79% reduction in methane emissions - a fantastic result.

NRCS Agent Holly Shiralipour's Code336 Soil Carbon Amendment presentation was attended by over 140 people - signaling tremendous compost market interest in this new program which provides reimbursements for developing soil biochar ammendments.