Building the Future from the Ground Up

Genesis Biochar is FDA Organic Certified Horticultural Charcoal soil amendment used to condition and build soil. Biochar can endure in soil for thousands of years making it a practical and efficient way to sequester carbon. 

Being an absorbent, when Genesis Biochar is mixed in soil it's like populating it with huge city of mansions. Each mansion would have a loud speaker out front addressing all the life and nutrients in your soil. The message would say: Welcome! There are millions of rooms available. You can have a safe and permanent home here. 

Genesis Biochar increases crop yields, sometimes substantially if the soil is in poor condition. It helps with Fertilizer Efficiency by preventing fertilizer runoff, leeching and percolation, thus allowing for the use of less fertilizers and diminishing agricultural pollution to the surrounding environment. It helps retain moisture, helping plants through periods of drought. Most importantly, it replenishes exhausted or marginal soils with organic carbon and fosters the growth of soil microbes essential for nutrient absorption and retention. Research has shown that the use of biochar can provide protection against some foliar and soil-born diseases. Healthier soil fosters healthier plants and healthier plants are more diseases and pest resistant and can be significantly more nutrient dense. 

Increases crop yields, sometimes substantially if the soil is in poor condition. 
Helps with fertilizer efficiency by preventing fertilizer runoff, leeching and percolation, thus allowing for the use of less fertilizers and diminishing agricultural pollution to the surrounding environment. 
Helps retain moisture, helping plants through periods of drought. 

Replenishes exhausted or marginal soils with organic carbon and fosters the growth of soil microbes essential for nutrient absorption and retention. 

Can provide protection against some foliar and soil-born diseases. Healthier soil fosters healthier plants and healthier plants are more disease and pest resistant and can be significantly more nutrient dense.

One of the most significant motivators for the use of biochar is the potential to have a  global impact in mitigating climate change via carbon sequestration.
Beyond being used as a soil conditioner biochar is also being used in a wide variety of other 
applications. It's used to mitigate smell and ammonia gases in barns and stockyards, kitty litter, construction products, waste water filtration, mining reclamation and forest fire remediation. 
You can learn more about Genesis Biochar by visiting


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819 Mt. Hwy 82
Somers, MT 59932
United States