Building the Future from the Ground Up
Nikolaus Wohlgemuth
Speaker Title
Head of Supply at Carbonfuture

Building Trust in Biochar Carbon Removal: Accelerating Progress Towards Net-Zero Goals

As companies around the world strive to achieve net-zero emissions goals, there is a growing need for reliable and effective solutions to reduce carbon footprints. Biochar carbon removal offers a promising solution, but its success depends on building trust among stakeholders, particularly companies interested in buying carbon removal credits. Without trust, the carbon market cannot achieve its full potential to accelerate progress toward net-zero goals.  

In this session, we will explore the critical importance of trust in the biochar carbon removal industry and how it can enable companies to confidently invest in high-quality carbon credits that make a real impact on the planet and communities. We will examine the current problem with trust in the industry and how it impedes progress toward effective climate solutions. We will showcase Carbonfuture's Trust Framework, which addresses stakeholder concerns by providing full digital traceability and transparency in the biochar production and application process.

By prioritizing trust through transparency and quality, we can build a CDR industry capable of scaling carbon removal to gigatonnes levels needed to achieve a net-zero carbon future and keep global temperatures from rising to dangerous levels. Through this session, we will explore how aspects of trust like transparency and quality can enable companies to confidently invest in high-quality, durable carbon removal solutions that make a real impact on the planet and communities.

Keywords: trusttransparencycarbon removalmrvgigatonnesnet zero
