Building the Future from the Ground Up
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The excitement during our 2013 biochar conference was palpable, right along with the autumn colors!  The fourth North American Biochar Symposium was held at the beautiful University of Massachusetts, Amherst.  We had a tremendous crowd at the main venue as well as at our special events – Farmer’s Day, Forestry Tour, Technology Day, the local, organic Biochar Banquet.  Inspiring keynote speakers along with dozens of expert panels covered all aspects of biochar production and use, informing, exciting and igniting us all.  Hats off to the planning committee and volunteers!!

Click on the link to see the playlist of videos and presentations from the Conference. 
Thanks so much for participating!
Gloria Flora

North American Biochar Symposia are designed for farmers, foresters, researchers, policy makers, biochar producers and entrepreneurs, and especially students and citizens who want to learn about biochar as an alternative to fossil fuel-based fertilizers/pesticides and energy. Watch for news about our next Symposium in Oregon, 2016.