Building the Future from the Ground Up
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Forbes Explains Biochar. Amin Mirkouei writes: “In addition, to fully promote socio-economic resilience and ecological integrity of regional food-energy-water resources, the Biden administration … should consider the latest scientific advances in the field of renewable and sustainable materials, such as biochar from biomass feedstocks.”
Why Microsoft and Shopify are Betting on Biochar.  Long term carbon storage and a plethora of co-benefits make biochar an intriguing option for carbon credits, says Heather Clancy. She asks: Is biochar part of your carbon removal strategy? Contact her at
Marin Master Gardeners Answer Biochar Questions. Is biochar right for your garden? The University Cooperative Extension advises that good uses of biochar include: improving aeration in heavy or compacted soil, increasing soil aggregation in fine-textured soil and improving sandy soil’s water-holding capacity. Further, all soil types can benefit from enhanced fungal biodiversity, increased availability of plant nutrients and increased plant drought and disease-resistance when used appropriately.
SUEZ Group and Airex Energy Want to Build Biochar Capacity at Existing Sites. The partners describe their plan to install their biochar technology at former sawmill or other industrial sites. CarbonFX torrefaction technology developed by Airex Energy transforms residual biomass such as bark, sawdust and waste wood into biochar
NRCS Conservation Innovation Grant Awarded to California Biochar Project. The Scott River Watershed Council plans to use its $114,900 award, along with $140,000 it raised in matching funds, to conduct a three-year comparison of pasture and hayfields fertilized with compost, biochar enhanced with compost, and plain biochar. The project hopes to determine whether biochar helps with soil water holding capacity and fertility.
Forest to Farm Biochar Project Gains Permit Approval. A project in Washington’s Methow Valley is closer to launch as critical questions about emissions and power supplies are answered.  C6 Forest to Farm hopes to create an industrial facility to process slash from removal of small trees that can spread a wildfire, turning them into a soil amendment, instead of burning them to eliminate the slash piles.
California High School Student Wins 2020 US Stockholm Junior Water Prize. Eshani Jha is the winner of the 2020 U.S. Stockholm Junior Water Prize for her method to use modified biochar for the removal of toxic contaminants from water. Her research aimed to remove contaminants by manipulating biochar surface area, controlling chemical composition and catalytic properties for oxidative breakdown, adding surface complexing agents, and modifying intrinsic pore size.
Report: Biochar and Acid Mine Drainage. Researchers at the University of Arizona are working to clean up acid mine drainage that contains substantial amounts of heavy metals like arsenic and lead by sequestering the chemicals in biochar crystals.
California Hemp Group Plans Biochar Research. Western Fiber will study the effects of biochar on hemp cropping systems under a $25,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. It will examine crop yield and performance, and changes in soil nutrient and carbon levels as a result of applying biochar and compost to the soil. Hemp has been identified as having high potential as input for production of biochar.