Building the Future from the Ground Up



PART ONE Introduction

  • Kelpie Wilson, Wilson Biochar Associates –
  • Carlos Rodriguez Franco, Senior Forester, USDA Forest Service Research and Development: Forest Service Programs that Support Biochar
  • Deborah Dumroese, USDA Forest Service Research Soil Scientist: Opportunities to Improve Forest Soil Health
  • Karen Youngblood, Forester, Redwood Forest Foundation, Inc.: Biochar in the Redwoods
  • Kai Hoffman-Krull, Forest Health Manager, San Juan Islands Conservation District: Biochar in the Woods with the Island Conservation Corps
  • Q & A

PART TWO Project Logistics and Economics

  • Laurie Schoonhoven, NRCS National Forester: NRCS Programs that Support Biochar
  • Ken Carloni, Yew Creek Land Alliance: NRCS Biochar CSP Implementation – a Landowner’s View
  •  Joe Pongratz, Pongratz Forestry: NRCS CSP Implementation – A Forestry Contractor’s View
  •  Don Morrison, Umpqua Biochar Education Team: Logistics of Biochar in the Woods – a Silviculturalist’s View
  • Mark Vander Meer, Principal Partner, Watershed Consulting, Inc.: Time and Motion Study Results Using an In-Woods Flame-Cap Kiln
  • Questions and Discussion

PART THREE Project Environmental and Social Impacts

  • Abby Colehour, Restoration Projects Manager, Long Tom Watershed Council: Ecological monitoring: biochar's impact on oak-prairie plant communitie
  • Gloria Flora, Executive Director, Sustainable Obtainable Solutions – Fire Ecology Restoration Project of the Permaculture Institute of North America: Developing Social Forestry as a Permaculture Practice
  • Dylan Maxwell, CEO, CarbonFace: How to Use the CarbonFace Platform to Build Biochar Communities
  •  Questions and Discussion

PART FOUR Technology Development

  • Ken Carloni, Yew Creek Land Alliance – Measuring Production Efficiencies and Applying Lessons Learned
  •  Darren McAvoy, Utah State University -- In-Woods Biochar Production Using Big Box Kilns
  • Raymond Baltar – Measuring Emissions from Conservation Burns and Flame Cap Kilns
  • Jim Archuleta – New Approaches to Landing Piles and Air Curtain Burners
  • Thankyous and Closing
  • Questions and Discussion