Building the Future from the Ground Up
Wyatt Catron
Speaker Title
Project Development Manager Carbon & Transportation
Presentation file

Description The concept of "insetting”, and we will share brief success stories from other project types where this idea was used.  


Carbon Credit Markets and Biochar

Wyatt Catron
Serene Kuramarohit

You have likely heard a lot of talk around carbon credits. What are they? What are they worth and to whom? How are they generated? Biochar projects have great carbon potential, not only in avoided emissions but also in carbon removals. Carbon removals are the most durable form of carbon credits and often command premium pricing. We will briefly discuss types of carbon credits and why removals are generating so much excitement from buyers. 

A lot goes into making a biochar project into a carbon credit generation project. First step is figuring out what protocols best capture your activity and understanding their associated requirements. In this presentation, we will discuss the various methodologies and key differences that can currently verify and issue removals credits for biochar projects. There are technical aspects of the project that can affect this. For example, certain feedstocks may be more applicable to one methodology than another. Are there coproducts to your biochar? Those may influence how eligibility is determined. We will also discuss evolving methodologies and where they may open new opportunities for project types not previously eligible. 

Carbon credit registries are not the only place to value carbon. Increasingly we see companies interested in reducing Scope 3 emissions by funding projects within their supply chain. Biochar can touch the supply chains of major industries, especially food and beverage, on both sides; biochar as a waste management solution to manage end of product lifecycle emissions or biochar as soil amendment to store carbon and enhance soil fertility. Some call this concept "insetting”, and we will share brief success stories from other project types where this idea was used.
