Building the Future from the Ground Up
Erwin Bogner
American BioCarbon
Presentation file

American BioCarbon 
Bagasse Biochar 
Presenter: Erwin Bogner 
American BioCarbon (ABC) 

ABC currently operates an Integrated Development Unit (“IDU”), which is an industrial scale production and technology demonstration facility. The IDU includes a Biomass Separation Unit (“BSU”), which is patented technology developed by ABC to separate “trash” (leaves and tops that do not contain sugar but provide useful fiber to ABC) from sugar cane before the cane is processed by the sugar mill during the grinding season. 
The proprietary ABC manufacturing process produces biochar, electricity, thermal energy and bagasse pellets from sugar cane waste fiber. The biochar manufacturing process (carbonization) is a continuous pyrolysis process that produces biochar and syngas. The resulting syngas is combusted in a thermal oxidizer and the resulting hot flue gases are used to produce electricity and thermal energy for the biomass drying process. ABC’s process produces enough electricity and thermal energy to operate the facility (biochar and bagasse pellet production) fully auto thermal and auto electric meaning our manufacturing process does not require any electrical energy from the power grid and provide all thermal energy required for the process. We are using fossil fuel only to start our process. The ABC manufacturing process uses 100% of the available sugar cane waste fiber and does not create any waste products. 

Along with an explanation of the innovative production process, the ABC presentation will highlight: 

Circular business model (co-location w/sugar cane processing plants, energy self-sufficient, etc.) 

Unique properties of bagasse biochar 

Experience with CORCs certification 

Current implementation of scale-up plans
