Building the Future from the Ground Up
Bryan Eagle
Speaker Title
Presentation file

Biochar End Uses  -  Oral Presentation
Rice Hull and Rice Straw biochar applications
Bryan Eagle

Glanris has been trialing the use of biochar in several applications, including water filtration, asphalt,cement and concrete.   This presentation will focus on the research done with UC Davis and others on our rice hull biochar as a cement substitute and on our trials with two concrete producers.  I will present the data (not yet published, but will be by the show) from UC Davis and will have ASTM testing data at 7 days, 28 days, 90 days and 6 months to present.  Spoiler alert: it works very well both as a replacement for Portland cement and as an aggregate in concrete.  I will also talk about the challenges to moving forward for broad acceptance of the use of this material in both structural and non-structural applications.

